Examsolution Html - its a lang used in site building ..it include tags (opening and closing tags) for example to add an underlined text to ur site ..the html code is <u>YOUR TEXT</u> ..where <u> is the opening tag while </u> is the closing tag ..any html code dat dnt hv a closing tag ..its likely dat the opening tag will take effect on all the content of the page..som html tags with /> at the end dnt nid a closing tag ..simple html tags:
<hr/> - gvs a horizontal line
<br/> - breaks the line wit space
<i>TEXT</i> - italise the text
<s>Text</s> - strike the text
<big>Text</big> - big text
<b>Text</b> - bold text
<marque>Text</marque> - moving text
<blink>Text</blink> - Blinking text
You can use more than one html tags but while using dem make sure u put the closing tags properly ..for instance <u><b>YOUR TEXT</u></b> ..there is a wrong combination @ the closing tags, </b> is supposed to com first bcos its the last html tag b4 the text ...u can use html to create online games whch can be played online with help of the javascripts ..more html tutorial @
http://www.w3schools.com/html/ ..learn about javascripts @