Is there any code or way to allow users upload pictures in my wapka forum instead of using IMAGE URL?
Weezy Yea,like the one in your forum whereby i'll choose the file from mah phone.
HOMMIES-INVESTS How to add file attachment to wapka forum..
How does it work - a user in your wapka forums clicks a link that says, attach file and he's redirected to a page to upload the file from his device. - After he has uploaded it,he's redirected automatically and the file's made available in the forums. It's that simple so, let's get started right away:
Step 1 - Make a page e.g i will use page site A, create site A forum footer and put this code there
<a href=":url-site-B:&get-fid=:getid-forum:" title="Forum file adding " class="data">:ic-638:Attach file</a><br />
Copy code
Step Two - that site B is where the issue is, so make a page after site A and put it in the place of site B and paste the code in site B
<div class="data" align="left"> <form method="post" action="site_:getid-site:.xhtml" enctype="multipart/form-data"><div class="mark"> :admin-hash-input:<input type="hidden" name="p" value="22898917"/> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload_file"/> Select document you want to share<br/> <input type="file" name="file_data"/></div><div class="marks"> Select The Forum the Thread is at. <b> · :forum-:get-fid(7131):/theme:</b><br/><select name="text_var_1"><option id=":get-fid(21282):" value=":get-fid(21282):">:forum-:get-fid(21282):/theme:</option><option id="20681" value="20681">:forum-20681/theme:</option><option id="7254" value="7254">:forum-7254/theme:</option><option id="7251" value="7251">:forum-7251/theme:</option><option id="7074" value="7074">:forum-7074/theme:</option><option id="7036" value="7036">:forum-7036/theme:</option><option id="22935" value="22935">:forum-22935/theme:</option><option id="22934" value="22934">:forum-22934/theme:</option><option id="21275" value="21275">:forum-21275/theme:</option><option id="21272" value="21272">:forum-21272/theme:</option><option id="22929" value="22929">:forum-22929/theme:</option><option id="21280" value="21280">:forum-21280/theme:</option><option id="21279" value="21279">:forum-21279/theme:</option><option id="21278" value="21278">:forum-21278/theme:</option><option id="20680" value="20680">:forum-20680/theme:</option></select><br/></div><div class="mark"> Input the Thread_ID,eg.2,5,8,58....<input type="num" name="text_var_2" value="8" size="15" class="data" /> </div> <div class="marks"><input type="submit" name="U_submit" value=" Add Document "/></div></form></div>
Copy code then change those value(20680) and put your forum ID there and you're done, it's that simple.
Weezy after uploading pic it will show
you can't use this function
HOMMIES-INVESTS It works only for file manager sites
Weezy Bro pls I need the code to show new, updated, latest, hot in front of text for my xtgem site.
Just like the one on your homepage
Weezy Bro pls I need the code to show new, updated, latest, hot in front of text for my xtgem site.
Just like the one on your homepage