austine Wen u get there, click on add new class, enter d class colors and settings den save..or if u want to use my css stylesheet, Click
http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Wapmasta/Css1/css_menu.php to see my css styles collections ..u can select the one u want from there ..assuming u chose jcms css, Note dat dis tutorial can be used for any css not jcms alone ..
How to use the jcms css: copy this and paste on ur wapsite ..use code option to insert it
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Wapmasta/Css/jcms.css" media="all,handheld"/>
Copy code den if u click on the text boxes u will find different div class name like <div class="logo" ..it means that any content u insert on ur site with dat div class will take the background of the div class as sampled on that jcms css page ..for instance <div class="logo">Obi is a boy</div> ..jux go to dah my jcms css page and check for the div class named logo ..the exact div class will appear on ur site with the text on it ..