Weezy Ook taks for ur support i ave already seen d color code so i made d css my self bt dere iz sometin else...dat is visist dis site u will see dat live chat is under music plzz i want to also make dat register to be under dat News plzz i ave tried it bt it dnt work here is the code you can help me set it
<div class="alexa"><strong><font color="white"><a href="/site_1.php"><b>Music</b></a> |<a href="/site_2.php"><b>Video</b></a> |<a href="/site_20.php"><b>Mixtapes</b></a> |<a href=""><b>Forum</b></a> |<a href="/site_35.php"><b>News</b></a></font><br/><div align="left"><a href="/site_24.php"><b>Livechat</b></a></div><div align="center"><a href=":url-reg-0:">Register</a></div><a href="/site_5.php"><font color="red"><b>Promote music/Video</b></font></a></strong></div>
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