Weezy still at the bottom didn't work..i put the code at the end of "styles of message in forum" and also at the end of the third box which is"style for forum site "..it still didn't work.....the related post still remained. below
ayamFweshdude U should only paste it in the first box only!
Weezy still thesame..still at the bottom.that's the screenshot of the response I got. ..after putting the code in the first box(at the end of the box)that is message in forum..I got this..
ayamFweshdude bro let's forget that jare.
pls how can stop users from creating new theme after they comment
Weezy weezy tenx so much..it worked.... pls I have one problem...
my image link...after I click on it,it will bring error instead of directing to the URL I put...any help...u can as well give me image with link code
ayamFweshdude Image with link?? Is it for the forum or your site page?
Weezy site page....u can also give me the code for forum incase I need it.
and pls help me edit this code..to look like screen shot below...the faceBook twitter Instagram bbm Chanel.stuff check screen shot below....Note its for forum o..I need it for my forum...
[url= http://<a href="/"> ] [color=yellowgreen] Facebook[/color][/url]|[url= http://<a href="/"> ] [color=yellowgreen]Twitter[/color][/url]|
[url= http://<a href="/"> ] [color=yellowgreen] [/color][/url]|[url= http://<a href="/">] [color=yellowgreen]Instagram[/color][/url]|
[url= http://<a href="/"> ] [color=yellowgreen]BBM channel[/color][/url]
ayamFweshdude To display image on your site ..use the code below
..to display image in the forum, use the below code
..for the code copy below
<a href="http://facebook.com/weezywap"><b style="color:yellowgreen;">Facebook</b></a> | <a href="http://twitter.com/weezy_earl"><b style="color:yellowgreen;">Twitter</b></a> | <a href="http://instagram.com/weezywap"><b style="color:yellowgreen;">Instagram</b></a> | <a href="http://bbm.com/"><b style="color:yellowgreen;">BBM Channel</b></a>
Copy code
Weezy please why is the link I created breaking,,as in its writing 410 error..first it was going... I created a download link..it worked at first then after some days it stop downloading... what can be the problem