i already hav an a site wondawap.xtgem.com wat next cuz i dnt undestant anything there
wondax Choose a template and start edittn ur site ..you can use javascripts ..install widgets from xtgem market and much more!
wondax And next time u want to post, post to ur existing topic than creating a new thread for each reply!
Weezy owk...... how can i installed dis widget and were am i to installed ,i havnt come across that
wondax Install the widget from xtgem market
http://xtgem.com/market , after installing the widgets you like ..click on add block > widget > select the widget you like and press ok and preview!
Weezy wat is that javascript all about and how can i use it and again boss how do i make anything i upload downloadable tanx bro
wondax For javascripts, they are scripts written to perform specific function on a webpage ..u can get them here
http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Wapmaster just scroll down and click on javascripts ..for the downloadig of ur uploaded files ..u will use the filelist function ..u will find it under Advanced ..d full tutorial is coming soonest!