Weezy I already have that code but how can i do it so that itt will be apearin in dat wats on your mind dat is wen a new user join it will notify everybody dere that eg jon just joind our community were will i put the code so dat it will apear like dat
Weezy yes is just that this 1 includ music,video,and blog. + paging please help me please.
BORZY Plzz weezy i want to kno weder if i change dis css name and paste it in wap2 edit stylesheet if it will still work dat is if i cahhnge dat Aa5 to my desired name
.Aa5 { background-color: black; color: khaki; border-
width: 1px; border-color: #358; border-style: solid; margin-top: 1px; margin-
bottom: 2px; padding-
top: 3px; padding-
bottom: 1px; font-weight: solid; }
Copy code
chizzy4real D code will appear wherever u paste it ..som pple do add it to site homepage ..i dnt undstnd wat u meat by 'whats on ur mind' ..for the css ..yea it will wok!
BORZY Cant u change a music filelist to that of a video ..cant u add paging to a filelist?
Weezy Weezy pls i want to make my
QUOTE function in my site forum to be like this That you must login or register before it redirects you instantly to the Quote area
Weezy Weezy here is the screenshot
Olumide Wats the main function of the quote link?