Nightmares Resize your logo then ..go to your filebrowser where u uploaded the logo ..click on it to take u to image editor where u can reduce the width and height of the logo image!
Nightmares weezy. itz been long.i miss coding alot. hmmm pls give me yur home page footer code from the translators down.tnxz
i need a help.
I created xtgem site and i don't know how to design it.
Because i don't know how to code.
weezy please teach me step by step please
Weezy weezy pls help me put dis together
<div style="background-color: white; border: 5px double white"><br/><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://nightmareclick.xtgem.com"><img src="http://nightmareclick.xtgem.com/images/logo.png" alt="image" /><br/><b style="color: pink ;">Its charlies white</b></a></div></b></div>
Copy code pls just add this
230 for width and 50 for
height to it ave been trying
Weezy weezy pls drop me the footer code of azlyrics.com
Nightmares Copy the footer code of azlyrics.com
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Weezy Am so greatful weezy,check out what have don't with it.
n pls I'll love your comment n pls also drop this code for me