NAijaloyal Aiint chanced for try and err now!
Weezy Pls weezy am using d filelistdat am using each file for it preview image.. Bt d problem is dat sincei dnt av all d preview images, is der any way i can set it so dat any file i dnt av it preview image will have may b a music icon instead of showing blank? Like a default image to all dat didnt av preview image?
NAijaloyal Nice work, i love the design!
ur boy is loyal.... Pls weezy how do i change my blog css wich is blue to green since am using green template design.. Check it @
NAijaloyal Open the twig file u imported to ur site ..check for the css link ..import all the css to ur site and change all the #3b5998 color code to greenish!
but which particular css has dat color cos i av checked master.css der is no one der