Weezy I Greet U o.
Good Morning To All Weezywaparz!...
Spicy Is back with his own tutorial..
For those who want to copy dis tutorial or share dis tutorial to his/her web always give the credit to
See Demo Of This Tutorial
Letz Get Starting!!....
First Of All, Make sure that your
Blog Settings is upto date.
Now goto your site forum bottom content(footer) and paste the below code in wml/xhtml:
<div id="start" class="x" name="spicy"><span class="nlfooter">Updates</span><form method="post" action="blog_0.xhtml">Image Url: <input name="blog_title" value="http://"/>:admin-hash-input: <input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="new"/><script type="text/javascript"> document. write('<input name="blog_body" value="[url=http://spicynaija.com:getid-url:]' + document.title+'[/url]" size=""/>' ); </script><br/><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Post" class=""/></form></div>
Copy code
NOTE: Replace Spicynaija.com to ur website name at the above code.
Now goto your site homepage and paste the below code dr:
<div class="nlfooter" align="center"><b>TRENDING UPDATES</b></div><div class=""><ul class="disclosure table group">
<div class="x"><table><tbody><tr><td align='left' valign='top'><img src="%title%" width="60" height="65"/></td><td valign='top'><li class="page_item page-item-167">%text-220%</li>
:: :/bloglist: :paging:n=:geti-number(1):,u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-number=%n%:admin-hash-amp::: <div class=''><div align='center'><li class="pagination" style=""><span class="next">%prev%</span> <span class="prev">%next%</span></li></div></div> <style>.hta%nlast%{ display: none;} .ht:get-number(1):{ display: none;}</style>:/paging: </ul>
Copy code
NOTE: This Code Has no error and it was edited by me, Looks Neat Right?..
If u Have Any Problem Comment Below

How To Add Music And Vide To The Updates, Code Loading, I May Decide to post it here also...
See Demo
Credits: Spicynaija.com
Add Me On 2go: Keltwiststar..
Weezy weezy or spicy pls I nid hlp here oooo.... on d tutorial above I did everything as directed, d furum footer code I put d visibility in admin mode.....
I sow two tearea first one shows...
http:// only.
and d second wan shows
http:// wit my site name.
So am confused pls wat will I put in d first and second tearea..... pls tutorial
Weezy Secondly wen I try to post,I shows me... u can't post in admin mode.....please hlp mheooo
furum D first box with
http:// is for the image url,, while the second box,u're not to edit anytin,,u'll only remove d admin hash,,cuz d second box contains d forum link and title,,dats it
furum U can't post in admin mode" means dat ur you've not set ur blog settings very well
SPICY please how can I set my blog settings.....? weezy or spicy hlp
furum blog list updates setting!
Go to edit site > users > blogs > settings
Minimal count of letters in the text (10-5.000): = 10
Maximal count of letters in the text (100-50.000): = 50000
Minimal count of letters in the title (5-50): 5
Maximal count of letters in the title (10-200): 200
tick enable Wcode then save.
That's all!
Weezy Yea dats It!!...Thank U Weezy
weezy or spicy I did as directed bet still showing me.... ...u can't add blog in admin mode please wat will I do now?