Weezy I didnt c any effect in it, secondly is workin nw...
STRIKELORD Hv u tested the code on an empty page, if no ..try it now and tell me the result!
STRIKELORD Its caused by the div classes dat dnt have closing tags, if u wnt to verify ..create a new page and insert the code in it
STRIKELORD Send me the exact code u used 4 that footer
Weezy u scroll down with an opera mini den u wil c wat am talkin abt.
STRIKELORD Give me the link to the page on ur site
Weezy Yea, i have did it, check and c, bt dat ur table in ur homepage, my if i open it with an opera mini and scroll down all the texts wil be double wich is too bad, i mean from my table link til down wher i wrote site owned by:mido! Wats the course pls tel me.