Weezy After dat.?..ah hav d0ne everytin but sum tinx r still missing..d web site is nt showing wel..it wil only show create yhur own free domain..dats all nd when i'll try nd import sql,it would upload...check TOXICZONE.TK and tel mhe wat to do
SPICY ok, whatever, choose the one u like
Weezy I mean..in dat ur tutorial..yhu wrote when yhu want tew create yhur site d pers0n shud use subdomain nd yhu knw dat dr r 2 option dr..d subdomain nd domain
Weezy Must it b subdomain?..bcos ah dnt use dat 1..ah use domain
Weezy yeah..i need d full tutorial on hw to create it but i have pbnl script or let mhe say pbnl.zip
SPICY Dyu nid the full tutorial on hw to create a pbnl php site
pls i need help 4rm d start..on how to create it nd hw to make it start working.. Pls i dnt need Dot.tk own o..its Nazuka.net am using