Pleaee boss im totally confused please visit my site and see so u can correct me im realy lost i created pages and i linked it bt if i add anytin on dose pages it will display page not found please go and see for ur self and help me for i realy want my site to be like ur own sir and also help me on how to add css to each of my page please sir...;(
cjayyoungstar If the pages u created displays page not found wen clicked on ..it means that u didnt link it correctly ..for e.g u create a file named 'guestbook' in ur filebrowser and u go to where u wnt to put the link and enter 'http://your_site_name/Guestbook' , it wont wok becos of the difference in the first letters ..and also if u create the file inside a folder for e.g u created 'tools' folder and inside the folder u create 'guestbook' ..jux note that u must include the folder name first b4 the file name inorder to get the exact link which is 'http://your_site_name/tools/guestbook' ..to get the exact link of a file easily ..click on the small plus icon beside the file, click on properties ..wen it opens ..u will see the link to the file ..