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* Weezy * netguru For home.html
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2017-01-23 05:48 · (0)
* netguru * Weezy Sir weezy all dis code is showing lyk nomarl blogmr.com template but forgot about dat one give me dis site kokowap.blogmr.com
HOME.html page.html post.html code
2017-01-21 21:59 · (0)
* Weezy * netguru Css of hipwap.blogmr.com
<style type="text/css">@import url(http://hipwap.blogmr.com/style-5008.css);</style>
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Header code of hipwap.blogmr.com
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2017-01-21 21:14 · (0)
* netguru * Weezy Sir weezy I need dis blogmr site http://hipwap.blogmr.com/ footer.html
post.html code with css code
2017-01-21 10:11 (Edited 2017-01-21 10:14 by netguru ) · (0)
* Weezy * netguru editted but not tested!
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2017-01-15 08:38 · (0)
* netguru * netguru Check it http://ybnlnation.tk/if-you-were-to-delete-one-of-these-songs-off-your-playlists-which-would-it-be.html#new-comment
2017-01-14 11:58 · (0)
* netguru * Weezy PLZ help me with dis my POST.HTML code is not showing wat people comment but der name please help me with it
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2017-01-14 11:49 · (0)
* Weezy * netguru I dnt think solidbaze is a blogmr.com site!
2017-01-13 04:26 · (0)
* netguru * netguru Solidbaze.com HOME.html nd POST.HTML code needed for blogmr
2017-01-12 06:44 · (0)
* netguru * Weezy Thanks
2017-01-12 06:41 · (0)

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