Weezy Weezy thanks alot,but hw do i create a new page for my forum just like yurs,like wen some click the Join nightmare forum den it opens like yurs, without it showing in my homepage
Nightmares Go to ur filebrowser @ click on create file ..the name of the file should be '
forum' ..den click on add block and add the forum feature
Weezy Wot da u mean by forum feature
Weezy Should it be a plantext or html
Nightmares go to your
filebrowser,create a
file and name it
forum(it should be in HTML)
Click on add block(+) and enter SOCIAL ,u will see FORUM ,then add it...
To create a post ,click on the add post (+) sign which is under the xt:blog.
Nightmares To add forum to ur site on add block > Social > Discussion/forum ..enter ur forum settings den save ..copy the link code below and paste on the page of ur forum ..ur forum will automatically look like mine ..
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="all,handheld"/>
Copy code
Weezy How do i get my site content to show on Google
Weezy Weezy i posted dis code on my site but it dosnt work,like it says pag nt found pls help me edit it
Weezy Weezy i posted dis code on my site but it dosnt work,like it says pag nt found pls help me edit it
<div class="main" align="left"><img src="" alt="" /><a href="http://"><b>images</b></a></div>
<div class="main" align="left"><img src="" alt="" /><a href="http://"><b>Music</b></a></div>
<div class="main" align="left"><img src="" alt="" /><a href=""><b> videos</b></a></div>