Weezy Tankz weez, yur funny traval hw do u put it in a box n pls send me de code for dat yur weezywap quote.plz also tech me hw to create and upload site icon
Weezy Weezy pls send me dey code 4 yur music search playlist and the code dat show a track album act plus hw to apply the codes
Nightmares get the funny trivia and the weezywap quote code @ ..more javascripts code to beautify ur web @
for the Page Title Icon: u cn put it using 2 methods method 1: get the icon and upload it direct to ur filebrowser den rename it to
favicon.ico will automatically appear on all ur pages title method 2: copy the code below, replace http: // with the url of the icon den paste the code in ur headtags or header will tk effect on all ur pages
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/>
Copy code ..get unlimited icons u cn use for the page title @ and ..for alphabet icons get @
Weezy Weezy pls send me dey code 4 yur music search playlist and the code dat show a track album art
Nightmares I dnt hv music files on my site ..i embeded music page on the music page!
Weezy Nigga dats dope,ok hw do u create dat random logo
Weezy Plz also send me an image preview code
Nightmares Copy the image preview page body code
<div class="zxfourborder"><img src="{_$link|}" height="" width="" alt="preview of {_$name|WEEZYWAP}"/></div><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td width="33%" bgcolor="" class="zxfourborder" align="center"><b>URL</b><br/><input type="text" size="5%" value="{_$link|}"></input></td><td width="34%" bgcolor="" class="zxfourborder" align="center"><b>HTML</b><br/><input type='text' size='5%' value='<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="{_$link|}" border="0" alt="{_$name|weezywap}"></a></p>'></input></td><td width="33%" bgcolor="" class="zxfourborder" align="center"><b>BB CODE</b><br/><input type="text" size="5%" value="[img]{_$link|}[/img]"></input></td></tr></table>
Copy code
Weezy Weezy ave done dats Google search stuff, like ave down/uploaded it to my site and reviewed nut i can't still verify