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* Weezy * Legendishaq Ok
2016-09-04 11:32 · (0)
* Legendishaq * Weezy Weezy why nau, unpon all the beg that I beg u the answer to ma thread is OKAY........ I no u hav try anof for me and I appreciate u for ur deed
2016-09-04 15:15 · (0)
* Weezy * Legendishaq Are u through with the 2go rules page?
2016-09-05 06:40 · (0)
* Legendishaq * Weezy Yeah! Is only the diploma page I dont know how to do now,,, I try but couldnt do it.... Pls help me I know u cn help me but sometime u use to disapoint ur guy which is not good
2016-09-05 08:17 · (0)
* Weezy * Legendishaq For the diploma, u have to create the header and the footer separately!
2016-09-06 06:31 · (0)
* Legendishaq * Weezy Is't with the same page or diffrnt page?
2016-09-06 06:45 (Edited 2016-09-06 08:08 by Legendishaq ) · (0)
* Legendishaq Weezy help me to check dis code and add the
<div class"">
Copy code
u use in ur guestbook. I have added the guestbook css u use in ur guestbook but I dont know the div class u use that's I request.

And secondly help me to add this to it as u did ur own
Site Name
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Site link (add http://) and description
Copy code

below ar the xtguestbook.twig code, just add those above code ask u to add it for me
{% block guestbook_comments_form %}
    {% if data.comments_form.is_maintenance %}
    {{ data.comments_form.maintenante_markup|raw }}
    {% elseif data.is_logged_in and not data.community_name %}
    <div class="tmenu">
      <b>{{ data.translations.t_provide_community_name }}</b>
    </div><div class="rmenu">
    <form action="{{ data.community_name_submit_url }}" method="post" class="post new">
      {% if data.in_comments_thread %}
      <input type="hidden" name="__xtcomments_thread_id" value="{{ data.in_comments_thread }}" />
      {% endif %}
      <input class="input" type="text" name="community_name" value="{{data.community_name_tmp}}" />
      <input class="button" type="submit" value="{{ data.translations.t_submit }}" />
    {% else %}
    <div class="tmenu">
      <b>{{ data.translations.t_post_a_comment }}<span class="red" style="float:right;">{% if data.is_logged_in %}
        <img src="http://giga.yn.lt/z/on.png" alt="on" /> {{ data.community_name }}
    {% elseif data.comments_form.comments_restriction == "logged_in" and not data.is_logged_in %}<img src="http://xtgem.com/images/forum/icons/alert-info.png" alt="alert" />{% else %} <a href="{{ data.comments_form.login_link }}"> {{ data.translations.t_login }} </a>{% endif %}</span></b>
    {% if data.comments_form.comments_restriction == "logged_in" and not data.is_logged_in %}
    <div class="tmenu">
      <b>{{ data.translations.t_comments_login_required }}:</b>
      <a href="{{ data.comments_form.login_link }}"> {{ data.translations.t_login }} </a> atau 
      <a href="{{ data.comments_form.signup_link }}"> {{ data.translations.t_signup }} </a>
    {% elseif data.comments_form.comments_restriction == "logged_in" and data.is_logged_in and not data.is_confirmed_email %}
    <div class="guest-form">
      <a href="{{ data.confirm_email_link }}?redir={{ data.comments_form.url_encoded }}"> {{ data.translations.t_confirm_email }}</a>
    {% else %}
      {% if data.comments_form.spam_comments_reserved_name %}
      <div class="guest-form">{{ data.translations.t_reserved_name }}</div>
      {% endif %}
<div class="header">
    <form action="{{ data.comments_form.url }}" method="post" class="post new">
      {% if data.entry.in_comments_thread %}
      <input type="hidden" name="__xtcomments_thread_id" value="{{ data.entry.in_comments_thread }}" />
      {% endif %}
      <input type="hidden" name="__xtx" value="{{ data.comments_form.fields.xtx }}" />
      <input type="hidden" name="__xtxs" value="{{ data.comments_form.fields.xtxs }}" />
      <input type="text" name="__xtcomments_comments" value="" style="display:none" />
      {% if not data.is_logged_in %}
      {% if data.comments_form.poster %}
      <input type="hidden" name="__xtcomments_nick" value="{{ data.comments_form.poster }}" />
      {% else %}
      <label>{{ data.translations.t_name }} <br>
      <input class="input" type="text" name="__xtcomments_nick" value="{{ data.comments_form.spam_comments_nick }}" /><br>
      {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
      {% if data.comments_form.comments_restriction == "email_required" and not data.is_logged_in %}
      <label>{{ data.translations.t_email }} <br>
      <input class="input" type="email" name="__xtcomments_email" value="{{ data.comments_form.spam_comments_email }}" />
     <br> </label>
      {% endif %}
 {{ data.translations.t_comment }}
      <textarea name="__xtcomments_msg" class="textarea">{{ data.comments_form.spam_comments_msg }}</textarea>
      {% if data.comments_form.spam_comments %}
      <input type="hidden" name="hash" value="{{ data.comments_form.spam_hash }}" />
      Masukan teks 
pada gambar dibawah ini:
      <img src="{{ data.comments_form.spam_captcha_url }}" alt="" /><br>
      <input class="input" type="text" name="code" />
      {% endif %}
      <input class="button" name="submit" type="submit" value="{{ data.translations.t_post }}" />
<a href="http://ishaqwaps.xtgem.com/smilies"><b>SMILE</b></a> | <a href="http://ishaqwaps.xtgem.com/bbcodes"><b>BBCODE</b></a>
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block guestbook_comments_list %}
    {% if data.in_comments_thread %}
    <div class="header">
      <a href="{{ data.comments_thread_all }}" class="">&larr; {{ data.translations.t_show_all_comments }}</a>
    {% endif %}
 {% macro comments_list (comments, ctx) %}
    {% for comment in comments %}
    <div class="block-comment{% if comment.owner_of_comment %} admin_post{% endif %}">
<div class="comment-list">
      <div class="comment-author{% if not comment.author_profile %} ano{% endif %}">{% if comment.author_profile %}<img src="{{ comment.author_profile.avatars[32] }}" class="thumbnail" alt="{{ comment.author_profile.name }}" /><b><a href="{{ comment.author_profile.link }}" class="{% if comment.owner_of_comment %}author{% else %}user{% endif %}">{% if comment.owner_of_comment %}Admin{% else %}{{ comment.author_profile.name }}{% endif %}</a></b> - <span class="date">{{ comment.date }}</span>{% else %}<img src="http://giga.yn.lt/z/no-photo.jpg" class="thumbnail" alt="*" /><b>{{ comment.nick }}</b> - <span class="date">{{ comment.date }}</span>{% endif %}</div><div class="header">
      {% if comment.is_hidden %}
      {{ ctx.data.translations.t_hidden_comment }}
      {% else %}
      {{ comment.message|raw }}
      {% endif %} 
        {% if not ( ctx.data.entry.in_comments_thread and comment.childs and (comment.childs_count > 0) ) and not comment.owner_of_comment%}
 <div class="comment-actions">
        {% if ctx.data.visitor_is_admin and not comment.childs %}
        <a href="{{ comment.reply_link }}" class="xt_blog_comment_action_reply">{{ ctx.data.translations.t_reply }}</a>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ctx.data.is_logged_in and not comment.is_hidden and not data.comments_form.is_maintenance %}
        {% if ctx.data.reported_spam and ctx.data.reported_spam == comment.id %}
        {% else %}
        <a href="{{ comment.spam_link }}">{{ ctx.data.translations.t_report_spam }}</a>
        {% endif %}
        {% elseif not ctx.data.is_logged_in and not comment.is_hidden and not data.comments_form.is_maintenance %}
        <a href="{{ comment.login_link }}">{{ ctx.data.translations.t_report_spam }}</a>
        {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    {% if comment.childs %}
      <div class="block-reply"><br>{{ _self.comments_list(comment.childs, ctx) }}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endmacro %}
      {{ _self.comments_list(data.comments, _context) }}
    {{ data.comments_pagination_html|raw }}
    {% endblock %}

Copy code
2016-09-06 08:21 · (0)
* Weezy * Legendishaq I dnt understand!
2016-09-06 11:06 · (0)
* Legendishaq * Weezy I say u should add thos div class u use in ur guestbook for me and the link u added to ur own that shows before the comment box [ which say Add ur Site Name and Descriptions] Example: Site link (add http://) and description
2016-09-06 15:48 · (0)
* Weezy * Legendishaq The div classes and the css used can be seen via the source code viewer, for the site description (http://) ..u can use the advanced option to add it!
2016-09-07 05:52 · (0)

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