RICHKID Use the textarea code to post code for ur users to copy ..copy the code below
Tankz bozz... Plz in xtgem file list code, i saw sometin like YOUR_DIV_CLASS plz wer am i goin 2 see d div clas to replace?
Again, i nid dat animatin images in ur header. D sonic n d oda one
RICHKID Change the image link
http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Pic/sonic.gif to
http://weezywap.xtgem.com/images/NARUTO.gif for naruto effect
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Javascript/wg/twitter_bird.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> var birdSprite="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Pic/sonic.gif"; var targetElems=new Array("img","hr","table","td","div","input","textarea","button","select","ul","ol","li","h1","h2","h3","h4","p","code","object","a","b","strong","span"); var twitterAccount ="http://YOUR-SITE-NAME";var tweetThisText = "Twitter - UserID http://weezywap.xtgem.com/";tripleflapInit();</script>
Copy code
for YOUR DIV CLASS ..its part of ur css designs ..like whr u use <div class="main" ..in d example, 'main' is the div class name ..
Weezy Pls weezy, i need dat website screenshorter and lnline booster code.
weezy wat about the online 2go star booster code??
Patrickubiofem@gmail.com Copy Below Fr Online 2go Star Booster
<table width='100%'><tr><td width='70%' class="menu"><form action="/starboosted" method="get"><input name="star" value="NOVICE"
type="radio" />NOVICE<br /><input name="star" value="AMATEUR"
type="radio" />AMATEUR<br /><input name="star" value="SENIOR"
type="radio" />SENIOR<br/><input name="star" value="ENTHUSIAST"
type="radio" />ENTHUSIAST<br/>
<input name="star" value="PROFESSIONAL"
type="radio" />PROFESSIONAL<br/>
<input name="star" value="EXPERT"
type="radio" />EXPERT<br/>
<input name="star" value="LEADER"
type="radio" />LEADER<br/>
<input name="star" value="VETERAN"
type="radio" />VETERAN<br/>
<input name="star" value="MASTER"
type="radio" />MASTER<br/>
<select name="action"><option value="none">-select action-</option><option value="TO BOOST">boost</option></select>
<input type="text" style="width:50px" name="username"><input type="submit" value="Boost"></form></td><img src=" http://strikecoded.xtgem.com/sub/2go.png" /></td></tr><table>
Copy code and here is the result page create a file name “starboosted” and paste dis code below there
<center><div class="zxfourborder"><font color="green"><b>OBEY THE REPLY FROM THE SERVER, BECAUSE THE SERVER WILL BE YOUR GUIDE</b></div></font><div class="zxfourborder" align="left"><font color="blue"><b>2GO USERNAME:</b></font><br /><font color="green"><b>Your Username Is:</b></font> <font color="blue"><b>{_$username|}</b></font></div><div class="zxfourborder" align="left"><font color="blue"><b>STAR LEVEL::</b><br />Your Current Star Level Is: <font color="red"><b>{_$star|}</b></font></div><div class="zxfourborder" align="left"><font color="blue"><b>BOOSTER TASK::</b></font><br />Task Selected Is:<font color="blue"><b>"{_$action|}"</b></font></div><div class="zxfourborder" align="left"><font color="blue"><b>SERVER REPLY::</b><font color="red"><b>Boosting....</b></font></div><br /></center>
Copy code u cn pt ur own Div Class!
pls i nid dat weezy guestbook in dat his 2go arena.. And again,.. I want dat weezy header logo dat has weezywap logo n xtgem bellow. Before dat weezywap.xtgem.com pls code it for me so dat i can just exchange d logo link n post my own tanks... Pls strick, u can also share dat ur own dat has dat girl sitting beside d logo
RICHKID Interestine! Alright copy all the homepage code