Bamtol I mean u should create a new page visible only in admin mode, the one u created for forum categories is ok, u dont need to delete it ..just create another page visible only in admin mode ..inside the page u create simple forums and note the ids ..count the forum categories option u have and create that number of forums in the page visible in admin mode ..each forum u create has its own ID, just copy down the ids and replace in the categories code ..thats all!
Weezy Ok,sir. I undastnd. How cn i post articles in the forum categories?
Bamtol After u hv replaced all the forum ids in the forum categories with your site valid forum ids ..when u click on any of the forum categories link, it will take you to forum themes page, if thr's no theme, u will see link to create new theme or topic!
Weezy Ok, sir. Bt how cn i upload games,videos,etc? Cn my Nokia C2 do it? I also need d download code and download page code for my site! Pls, help me
Weezy Ok, sir. Bt how cn i upload games,videos,etc? Cn my Nokia C2 do it? I also need d download code and download page code for my site! Pls, help me
Weezy Ok, sir. Bt how cn i upload games,videos,etc? Cn my Nokia C2 do it? I also need d download code and download page code for my site! Pls, help me
Weezy Ok, sir. Bt how cn i upload games,videos,etc? Cn my Nokia C2 do it? I also need d download code and download page code for my site! Pls, help me
Bamtol You can only upload files via url with your mobile phone ..for the download code ..gv me a url to any wapka download page let me get the code for u