chizzy4real Go To Open The Site Admin M0de, Edit Site Global Settings, Headtag Meta Style scrol down to Edit style sheet file (styles.css) scrol down again u gana see a Box paste there then click set, thats all
I need helpt guys, i submitted a sitemap to google and their kept giving me one error after the sitemap was submited which their wrote "YOUR SITEMAP APPEARS TO BE AN HTML PAGE, PLEASE USE A SUPPORTER SITEMAP INSTEAD"
please what do i do
i submitted the sitemap url as
austine Try submitting wt a different browser ..try uc browser!
austine Uncle weezy please i wanm hide so dat i will be d only one to paste in my facebook group can u help
chizzy4real U cn make the group to be hidden buh i dnt think its possible for u alone to paste in the group ..dat only happens if u are using facebook page!
chizzy4real i saw the function somtime ago on fb group just loggin wit a browser and go to group info its there
Weezy Weezy Its Possible, Thats How My Group Is, Just Me & My Twin Bro That Can Post, Just Use Ur Browser I.e Uc Browser Go-To Edit Ya Group And Make It Only Admins Can Post Thats All
Weezy Please weezy i need code to remove line dat is under my links please...