Weezy I ave nt check it wit pc and android but i ave view it in others u mention and d css are apearing but i used a window fone that is lumia to check it and it z only in hompage css apear
chizzy4real U wl try and view the page on android ..if its working then u hv notin to worry about!
Weezy Oo tanks bt plzz i need alexa rank code for my site if i source and copy the code from google and paste it will write NO DATA i ave an alexa account so plzz teach me how to get it
chizzy4real Login to ur alexa account and generate the alexa statistics code for ur site!
Weezy Where will i locate d place to generate it in alexa
chizzy4real Use computer to log ur account ..not all alexa links are visible on mobile phone!
Weezy Ook bt abeg weezy i learnt off google analystics code i ave try to get it for my site bt cant i thought wen i verify my site i will get d code bt i ave verify my site with googl bt for dat analystics script dey saiid i should signup for it bt wen i click d signup it will redirect to desame page help
chizzy4real Mr Chizzy if you want to get google analytics code for your site.. Use pc to submit your site map first, after that google will give you that code to paste in your site headtag or front page. Thats all. Oga weezy i dey loyal oo
Olumide Alexa rank code is only advanced site. If ur traffic rank is beyond 10mil den alexa wil write no data u can check ur rank @ hope dats ur site
Lordeagle Excellent ,,,, weezyy i thank you for your support on wapmasters we are proud of you last time i went to a seminar and they said dey can teach some one how to create wapsite for 10,000 bt here its free im so grtfull may dat good spirit follow you i rep weezywap
fellow wapmasters always visit for more contents
God bless weezy