Weezy help me Edit dis Code if i paste It.Error.
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Copy code And Give me the full registeration Complet code of this link
CampusGizt the code has many line breaks, just give me the url to the page where u got the code let me get it for you!
CampusGizt How to create Advance wapka registration page like that of ..First introduce Wapka Registration
Page Link code-
2. Goto
Admin Mode > User > User profile > Active user profiles and Display profile from in registration page - Mark Checkbox. Now find - Registration Profile From and Paste this code
<div class="Header">
Full Name* :</div>
<div class="Header">
Phone :<br/><small><small>International Format like +23481********</small></small></div>
<div class="Header">
Site Url :<br/><small><small>Must Write http://</small></small></div>
<div class="Header">
Site Title* :</div>
<div class="Header">
Payment Type* :</div>
::var+9(Wapka MB;Rs;Tk;$)::
Copy code
3. Above this code we used Variables
Tag. This tag create fields for input data. You may edit this and use huge Number of variables as you want. These Variables for this field will design reg page , so we will discuss about reg Variables only. Lets know Details about Variable Tag-For redefined values (select menu) use following shape of
::var-N(text1;text2;text3):: For example: Gender: ::var-4(male;female)::
You can use also this format of
variable: ::var-N('value1'>'text1';'value2'>'text2'):: valueN is stored in database, but user see in select menu textN Instead of redefined values you can set maximal length of the text: Example: Name: <br/> ::var-5(20):: If you want Big textarea use this format:
Note:- ::var+N:: is same as ::var-N:: with little difference: if you insert + instead of -, value will be mandatory.
4. Now goto
WAP2 > Styles for
login/registration > Registration
Page and now paste this Code-
<div class="lgn">
New User Registration</div>
<div class="sur">
<div class="Header">
Login Name :</div>
::login::<div class="Header">
Password :</div>
::password1::<div class="Header">
Verify password :</div>
::password2::<div class="Header">
::profile::<div class="Header">
Copy code
Use your Own class setting. You
may edit this code as you want but careful -read the tags details under this field and dont
remove ::profile:: tag. Now submit it.
5. Our work is finish and check now your Registration Page.
Weezy Thankx You... Weezy How Can i Link my Login page To welcome User page...Help me to edit It Please..My Welcome page Link is And This Is my Login Page Code Below
<script type="text/javascript">document.title =" CAMPUSGIZT » L0GIN PAGE"</script><p align="center"><div align="center"><div class="fet" style="color: #CC0000; text-shadow: 1px 2px 1px #ffffff;"><font size="ä">LOGIN</font>IN<font size="2">BELOW</font>,</big></div><div class="main"><div class="main"> <font size="50">T</font>o<font size="5">G</font>ain <font size="5">F</font>ull <font size="5">A</font>ccess <font size="5">T</font>o<font size="5">CAMPUSGIZT.ML™</font></div><br/><div class="main">,You have to Log in below But if you are not yet a member , Kinldy click on Register.<br />We offer the best </div><br /><div align="center"><div class="strikegroup" style="color: #FF0000; text-shadow: 1px 2px 1px #ffe6cc;"><b><font size="5"><font size="5">L</font>σgin Here</b></div></div><div class="midodload">WWW.CAMPUSGIZT.ML™</div><br/><div class="midodz"><div class="main"><div align="center">::notifications::</div></div><p><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="strikenews"><div class="strikelist2"><b><img src=''/>Username:</b><br />::login::</div></div><div class="strikenews"><div class="strikelist2"><b><img src=''/>Password:</b><br />::password::<br /><br />::autologin::<br /><center>::submit::</center><br /></div></div><div style="text-align:left;"><img src="/img/600668/600668873_9dd844be7d.jpg" alt="Register" />::reg_link::<br /><img src="/img/600668/600668874_8ba32462a0.jpg" alt="forgot password" />::lp_link::</p></div></div></big></div></div></font></b></p></big>
Copy code
CampusGizt U will use a custom login page if u wish to redirect ur users to the welcome page after login ..
Weezy Ok but I try It Like dat...the Login Page code i will paste in dat of a page i Created Name Login page is showin (Error) dat the Code is nt correct...
CampusGizt Paste the custom login page u used here
Weezy This Itz
<script type="text/javascript">document.title =" CAMPUSGIZT » L0GIN PAGE"</script><p align="center"><div align="center"><div class="fet" style="color: #CC0000; text-shadow: 1px 2px 1px #ffffff;"><font size="ä">LOGIN</font>IN<font size="2">BELOW</font>,</big></div><div class="main"><div class="main"> <font size="50">T</font>o<font size="5">G</font>ain <font size="5">F</font>ull <font size="5">A</font>ccess <font size="5">T</font>o<font size="5">CAMPUSGIZT.ML™</font></div><br/><div class="main">,You have to Log in below But if you are not yet a member , Kinldy click on Register.<br />We offer the best </div><br /><div align="center"><div class="strikegroup" style="color: #FF0000; text-shadow: 1px 2px 1px #ffe6cc;"><b><font size="5"><font size="5">L</font>σgin Here</b></div></div><div class="midodload">WWW.CAMPUSGIZT.ML™</div><br/><div class="midodz"><div class="main"><div align="center">::notifications::</div></div><p><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="strikenews"><div class="strikelist2"><b><img src=''/>Username:</b><br />::login::</div></div><div class="strikenews"><div class="strikelist2"><b><img src=''/>Password:</b><br />::password::<br /><br />::autologin::<br /><center>::submit::</center><br /></div></div><div style="text-align:left;"><img src="/img/600668/600668873_9dd844be7d.jpg" alt="Register" />::reg_link::<br /><img src="/img/600668/600668874_8ba32462a0.jpg" alt="forgot password" />::lp_link::</p></div></div></big></div></div></font></b></p></big>
Copy code I also need footer code