am hook here master...... when i upload wallpaper i tried to download it i was not able, i seens that all my uploaded files cant be download why.....doz it need any code to make it downloadable
wondax Didyu use the filelist code to list ur wallpapers? Or u want to download it direct from ur xtgem folder?
Weezy yes i want to download it from my xtgem folder
wondax Click on the small icon beside the file in ur xtgem folder ..click on properties ..then click on view to download!
Weezy owk bro......what about the filelist code what is the use and were can i get the code....................or do i need to create a downloading portal for xtgem
wondax Filelist helps list out ur files for users to download!
Weezy how do i use it.... that is my problem..... cuz wen i try to upload it wont which i said was insuffient space..or is it becauze i pass de wrong way to upload pls boss
wondax Try dis out ..paste the code below to any of ur pages on xtgem ..change the 'YOUR_FOLDER' to d folder name in which you uploaded your files ..click the copy code button to copy the code ..Note: dont edit anyfin in the code xcept replacing 'YOUR_FOLDER' with ur folder name
<xt:filelist sort_type="updated" sort_dir="desc" per_page="5" folder="/YOUR_FOLDER/" template="<b>Name:</b>.file_name_parsed.<br/><b>Size:</b>.file_size.<br/><a href='.file_url.'>Download Now!</a><br/>"/>
Jump to page:<form action="<xt:url type="path" />" method="get"><input type="text" style="width:25px" name="__filelist_page"><input
type="submit" value="jump"></form>
Copy code
Weezy how do i get the 5mb space because my filez are not uploading
wondax Login to xtgem then click
http://xtgem.com/user/settings/additional_features and mark the 5mb upload limit option!