Pls give me d code that says wellcome guest ur last visit was on monday
Weezy Pls i need d footer code and where will i place d code so that it will apear in all pages
ELIGHT Is it my homepage footer or the other pages footer?
Weezy Both for d homepage and d other pages
ELIGHT homepage footer code ..replace the links and the text ..copy below
<center><table align="center" width="100%" border="0">
<td bgcolor="lime" style="bold"><a href="http://YOUR-URL1"><font color="black">TEXT 1</font></a></td>
<td bgcolor="white" style="bold"><a href="http://YOUR-URL2"><font color="green">TEXT 2</font></a></td>
<td bgcolor="lime" style="bold"><a href="http://YOUR-URL3"><font color="black">TEXT 3</font></a></td>
<table align="center" width="100%" border="0">
<td bgcolor="white" style="bold"><a href="http://YOUR-URL4"><font color="green">TEXT 4</font></a></td>
<td bgcolor="lime" style="bold"><a href="http://YOUR-URL5"><font color="black">TEXT 5</font></a></td>
<td bgcolor="white" style="bold"><a href="http://YOUR-URL6"><font color="green">TEXT 6</font></a></td>
<table align="center" width="100%" border="0">
<td bgcolor="lime" style="bold"><a href="http://YOUR-URL7"><font color="black">TEXT 7</font></a></td>
<td bgcolor="white" style="bold"><a href="http://YOUR-URL8"><font color="green">TEXT 8</font></a></td>
<td bgcolor="lime" style="bold"><a href="http://YOUR-URL9"><font color="black">TEXT 9</font></a></td>
<div align="center" style="background-color: white; border: 2px solid lime"><script language="JavaScript" src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Javascript/Tools/fhstrans.js"></script><SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/JavaScript>translation_flags_g();</SCRIPT><br/><a href="/"><b>yoursitename.xtgem.com™</b></a><br /><b style=color:black;>Site Owned By </b><b style=color:green;> YourName</b></a><br />
<b style=color:black;>Free WebHosting By</b><a href="http://xtgem.com"><b style=color:black;> XT</b><b style=color:green;>gem™</b></a><br/><b style=color:black;>All Rights Reserved © 2012</b><br></div>
Copy code
other pages footer code, replace DIV_CLASS_NAME with the name of the div classes
<div class="DIV_CLASS_NAME"><div class="DIV_CLASS_NAME"><div class="DIV_CLASS_NAME" style="padding-top:6px; padding-bottom:5px; text-align:center;"><font color=orange><b>Created by:</font><font color=lime> WEEZYWAP™</font><br><font color=silver>
today=new Date();
</SCRIPT>Copyright © 2012 - <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
</SCRIPT></font><br><font color=red>All Rights Reserved</font><br><font color=gold>Anambra, </font><font color=green>NI</font><font color=white>GE</font><font color=green>RIA</b></font></div></div></div>
Copy code
Weezy Pls weezy i need the daily quotes and funny trival exactly like urs,
ELIGHT ..copy the funny trivia javascript code below
<script src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Inn/trivia.js"></script>
Copy code get the quote code @
Weezy Pls i need d code for bookmark and if i will create it where will i get d zip code
ELIGHT Pls weezy,,,,and d code for d main menu in d buttom of ur site