Patrickubiofem@gmail.com Copy the images filelist code, note that the folder to be used should contain images only ..replace FOLDER with the path to the folder, DIV_CLASS with the div class name
<center><xt:filelist sort_type="updated" sort_dir="desc" folder="/FOLDER" template="<table width='100%'><tr><td width='25%' class='DIV_CLASS' align='center'><img src='.file_url.' width='100%' height='100%'></td><td width='75%' align='left' class='DIV_CLASS'><img src='http://weezywap.xtgem.com/images/rating.gif'/><br/><b>Name: </b><b style='color:blue'>.file_name_parsed.</b><br/><b>File Size: </b><b style='color:green'>.file_size.</b><br/><b>• </b><a href='.file_url.'><b style='color:red'>Preview</b></a><b>• </b><a href='/download?file=.file_name.&name=.file_name_parsed.&category=.file_mime.&size=.file_size.&href=.file_url.&date=.file_date.&time=.file_time.'><b style='color:red'>Download</b></a></td></tr></table>" filter="*.*" per_page="5" /><br/>Jump to page: <form action="<xt:url type="path" />" method="get"><input type="text" style="width:25px" name="__filelist_page"><input
type="submit" value="jump"></form></center>
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copy the share button code
<!-- Hupso Share Buttons - http://www.hupso.com/share/ --><a class="hupso_toolbar" href="http://www.hupso.com/share/"><img src="http://static.hupso.com/share/buttons/share-medium.png" style="border:0px; padding-top:5px; float:left;" alt="Share Button"/></a>
<script type="text/javascript">var hupso_services_t=new Array("Twitter","Facebook","Google Plus","Linkedin","StumbleUpon");var hupso_toolbar_size_t="medium";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.hupso.com/share/js/share_toolbar.js"></script>
<!-- Hupso Share Buttons -->
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Facebook like button with faces, copy below
<div style="background-color:#D3D3D3; border-color:#FFFAFA;">
<iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fweezywap&width=300&height=40&colorscheme=light&show_faces=true&header=true&stream=false&show_border=true&appId=340053679356074" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:300px; height:40px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe></div>
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Weezy pls in dat ur download page i saw sometin like UPDATE, ASCENDING, DESCENDING pls giv me dat code
Pls in dat ur download page, i saw the name of the file to be downloaded in the page title but mine is not working.. My page title remains d same in all files. So wat shld i do
Pls weezy i nid all dat ur shortcut code dat has home page, 2go arena etc... And dat ur online counters down in ur homepage
Patrickubiofem@gmail.com 4 d file name 2 be in ur title add this variable to it {_$name|}
learn more abt xtgem getvariable @
Pls wer shld i ass that {s_name}?? Is it in the download page title or in d filelist? If is in d filelist wer?? Again pls weezy, wic of the css has "zxfourborder" as it div class??
Pls wer shld i ass that {s_name}?? Is it in the download page title or in d filelist? If is in d filelist wer?? Again pls weezy, wic of the css has "zxfourborder" as it div class??
Pls in dat Lordeagle site, in his images»funny how did he used different preview images in d filelist e.g every image has it own preview image and in dat his download page i saw image screenshoter dat shows d image to be downloaded... Pls giv me d filelist...