Weezy why is it that all xtgem site including urs does not download anything when u want to download it, it will detect error
wondax How do you mean by 'detect error' and whats the message you do get when you want to download?
Weezy the message is "this message is displayed cuz our system detected that ur were refer to diz file by unknown source.." that is it.....or maybe is my browser
wondax Its not an error message, its just displayed to tell u d main host of the file with a link to download the file .. For my site ..i dont think it woks bcos i used a hotlink ..if u click on any file ..d download page will open ..if u click on the 'download' image immediately, the file will start downloading without showing the message buh if u delay and later click the download image ..d message might display!