Weezy or any other here pls help me with some datails about
buzzycity pls how dd the paid and pls which kind of paid dd u use on ur own
skIdOOO Minimum payout is $200 .. Wen u reach the minimum payout ..u wl be paid in the middle of the next month if u set the bank details!
Weezy Ok pls can i use my MTN Daimond yello account number , and pls which kind of paid dd u use the PayPal or Bank Transfer?
skIdOOO Paypal and bank transfer are available @ buzzcity buh i dnt think dey will accept the mtn yellow diamond!
Weezy Ok i will try but which of them is the easy PayPal or Bank Tranfer
skIdOOO Bank transfer is the easiest!
Weezy Weezy can i use my partner id on some one wapsite for me to earn fast?? And pls how dd the paid is it pay per click or pay per download