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»Bible Quiz And Answers
Welcome To Bible Questions And Answers Class
Bible Quiz
1. Who wrote the Book of Revelation?

2. Give three names or titles for Satan.

3. What kind of meat was eaten at the Passover?

4. Hallelujah means: I believe, hosanna, wow, praise the Lord, or amen?

5. Which book tells us the life of Samson?

6. What was the first language that Scripture was translated into?

7. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

8. Name the twelve apostles.

9. Put in chronological order: the Crucifixion, the Flood, the Babylonian Captivity, and the Exodus.

10. Name someone who went to Heaven without dying.
Quiz Answers
1. John the Apostle.

2. The Devil, the Tempter, Beelzebub, the Serpent, the Dragon, the Evil One, the Prince of the Power of the Air, the Accuser, Prince of Demons, etc.

3. Lamb.

4. Praise the Lord.

5. The Book of Judges (chapters 13-16).

6. Greek. The Old Testament was translated into Greek before the New Testament was written.

7. John 11:35, "Jesus wept."

8. Peter, James, John, Andrew, James the Younger, Matthew (Levi), Simon the Zealot, Philip, Thaddaeus (Judas, not Iscariot), Bartholomew (Nathaniel), Thomas, and Judas Iscariot.

9. Flood, Exodus, Babylonian Captivity, and the Crucifixion.

10. Enoch and Elijah.
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